"Mortal Messengers With Angelic Messages"

I had decided to leave my blog alone for Conference weekend.  But as I sat there trying to recover from the spirit and power of Elder Holland’s talk, I changed my mind.

I want to add my testimony that we have, indeed, witnessed the word of God being delivered to us through our church leaders. What a tremendous blessing that few in the world are even aware of! As President Hinckley would have said “What a glorious Conference.”

So many things were touched on that are specifically for me:

• Two testimonies that even my occasionally disastrous FHE’s are worth having.
• Elder Oak’s masterful talk about Desire–>Priorities –>Choices –>Actions.
• (New to me) Elder Pratt’s amazing talk about the non-monetary blessings of tithing.
• President Packer: “John, leave it alone.” Which I need tattooed on my hand.
• Elder Robbins on “Being” vs “Doing”.

And, one that deeply touched me: Elder Scott.  My EC and I have the best marriage we have every seen. Seriously. But hearing Elder Scott’s heart-wrenching tribute to his wife gave me pause.  I need to make sure that I keep trying, and never take it for granted.

The angels have spoken.  What did you hear?

Please leave comments about your thoughts.  I would love to know what my fellow “saints-in-progress” heard that touched your hearts, and might impact your lives.

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• Invite your Facebook and blog friends to contribute to this post. The more the better.

I look forward to your thoughts.  Thanks in advance,


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  1. Tonya: Thank you so much for the inspiring comment. What a testimony of how the words of the prophets can immediately bless and prepare us for what the Lord knows is coming.

    My best to your father.

  2. I would love to elaborate, but as I will explain in a minute, there is not time. I reluctantly accepted the talk about great trials preceding great blessings and I loved Elder Bednar’s sunrise description of how we receive light and understanding. The next morning, very early, I received a call from my mom telling me that my dad had had a massive heart attack and may not make it. I flew to her side (literally, with a stop over in portland) and it is starting to look more hopeful but with a long road ahead. So conference prepared me to accept the Lord’s will and take each little prompting and move forward in faith, hoping for great things for my parents at the end of this. I still cried a whole lot and it still stinks, but I am so grateful for the weekend of fortification for what came next.
    Ps your blog is now our family favorite. Thank you

  3. 1) Elder Cook’s talk about motherhood was such an affirmation to me that I am more than “just a mom”
    2) I appreciated Elder Bednar’s analogies in receiving personal revelation. A great reminder that most times we will not necesariily have a vision or see an angel, but rather feel the quiet whisperings of the Spirit.
    3) Both Kent F. Richards and Paul V. Johnson shared a quote by Orson F. Whitney that has been a great comfort to me at times: “No pain we suffer, so trial we endure is wasted.” etc.

  4. I expect to see the Being vs Doing talk a regular in parenting lessons from now.
    The biggest excitement for my family is the temple in Meridian. We just can’t fathom it! 2 temples 10-15 minutes’ drive apart?! Then again, my stake alone seems to pretty much staff the Boise temple. I’m just so excited!

  5. I felt a special prompting that I personally need to kick it up a notch (as those kids say) when it comes to my Sabbath observance. Not guilty of anything great or particularly grevious in that regard, just not treating it as properly as I should.

    And MMM, I’m with you regarding the comfort offered to our poor attempts at FHE…we are 4 for 4 in the Bedlamite/child ratio. Elder Holland has such a special way about him.

    I also found it interesting to hear some potential dark undertones. Don’t have notes here, but I recall a statement that it will not be popular in the future to be a Latter-day Saint (not that it is particularly popular now in some quarters), and Bishop Burton’s statement that we will be under condemnation if we do not fulfill our responsibilities to the poor.

    I appreciate that the purposes of true welfare — the Lord’s way — to help people help themselves, was emphasized. The world’s welfare principles are not the Lord’s principles.

  6. I’m with Paul on the normal testimony building versus what we read about prophets in the scriptures. I was a major culprit of expecting huge spiritual experiences, especially on my mission. Glad I finally got over that because it can be depressing. All you have to do is listen and watch and there are answers all around you!

  7. I was impressed by the quantity of messages that centered on the Savior and His atonement.

    I was impressed by TWO talks that referenced Saul and Joseph Smith experiences compared with “normal” testimony growth.

    I loved Sister Allred’s talk about her service outside the United States and service she also observed in the world-wide church, and the Relief Society’s role in the church’s welfare efforts. (The most important lesson I learned as a bishop years ago — and it took me a while to learn it — was to let my Relief Society president do her thing in welfare matters.)

    I’m with you: Elder Scott’s message was sweet and wonderful; an awesome model to strive for.

    And Elder Holland’s clear statement that it’s ok for us to admit that we’re ok in some things. A superb ending to conference (and a perfect talk to review in advance on next October’s conference).

  8. “Bedlam-ites” is a term I’ll be using regularly from now on.

    I was struck by how HUMAN our general authorities are. Becoming Perfect in Christ does not seem like such a lofty goal afterall when the given the living examples of our leaders who suffer the same terrestrail trials I do.

    I’ve blogged about my favorite talk. Elder Scott had me in tears.

    Our sweet prophet reminded me of the importance of Temple attendance. I should be ashamed of myself! I never go enough.

    Tom is right. Those single Saints had better get crackin!

  9. Another great conference. I enjoy general conference, but I actually get even more out of it when I read the talks a month later. I made the mistake of not following your conference rules and I was in bed for the final session (I’m not just lazy, but am also sick). I was in a half sleep state when Elder Scott starting speaking, but the touching comments he made about his wife really caught my attention.

    I’m also glad I’m married because the single brethren sure took a verbal licking this conference.

  10. I was touched by Elder Oak’s insight about priorities and loved Elder Pratt’s talk on tithing. Elder Scott’s ode to his wife was especially touching as I thought about my mother listening, still grieving the loss of my dad. Theirs was a marriage for the ages and hearing Elder Scott pay homage to his wife, and to our Father in Heaven for the ordinances that bind us together forever, was emotional, in a good way. And totally loved the comment from Elder Holland that the Church is not a fast-food outlet…we can’t always have it our way. Loved it.

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