Years ago, as I was serving with the Boy Scouts in our ward, I experienced an itty-bitty miracle. I feel that after 20+ years, it is time I shared it with the world.
Five boys and I were crammed into my Honda as we drove home from Mutual. (Don’t start with the “two-deep leadership” and the “Youth Protection Training” or I will stop right now.)
Back to my story: We were driving home from Mutual when one of the boys in the backseat (who we will call Damien) produces a can of Dr. Pepper from who knows where. Damien proceeds to furiously shake the can of soda. As I am watching through my rearview mirror, he proceeds to open the can, which sprayed the entire interior of my car, like a Superbowl winner’s locker room. Seriously. True story.
I slammed on the brakes. I didn’t yell at Damien. No lecture. No cursing. I exercised admirable self-mastery and quietly said “Get out.” He did. We were about a block from his house. He could walk.
After dropping off the rest of the boys, I went home and prepared to wipe down my car. About five minutes later the doorbell rang. Of course – it was Damian Sr.
He was fuming. His face was red, and it seemed as though he were going to spontaneously combust right on my doorstep.
I invited him in. He refused. From my front porch he launched into a tirade about how irresponsible I was to leave a twelve-year-old boy out in the darkened street, far from home, to fend for himself. He was outraged. I tried to interject with what had happened, but he wanted no part of it.
Brother Damien Sr. concluded his tirade by telling me ” I am here to make sure that this doesn’t happen to any of the other boys that have been entrusted to your care.”
I replied: “Oh. I thought you were here to clean my car.”
The itty-bitty miracle? I didn’t get punched in the face.
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Your story was atrocious, but the photo in your post is hilarious.
I have been a YW president, counselor, advisor, Cub Scout leader and several other positions that required transporting children. My new van had greasy hands wiped all over the upholstery the first time I took the girls to camp. The second year it was barfed in. It wasn’t new any more, but that clean up was one I hope to never have to repeat. For two years I lifted a wheelchair in and out of the van every week and added lots of scratches and scrapes to the paint and interior. I have felt like that monkey carrying that puppy for whatever reason it needed to be carried. It is just part of the calling…
My husband was a cub scout leader and he was making cookies with the boys one night when one kid took a chunk of greasy cookie dough and threw it at my wall, leaving a giant grease mark. That boy almost learned A LOT of new four letter words that night! I was so glad when my husband got released!
PS- that really was a miracle you didn’t get punched in the face that night. The question is, was Damien Sr. just as lucky?? 😉
Parents are crazy. Well, not me, but everyone else. Who else would yell at another adult about not providing enough activities for their kid or not getting girls’ camp awards out fast enough or about making sure their kid always gets picked up by someone else for activities???? My current favorite is how my 13 year old son got yelled at because the mom’s own son forgot to tell her there was no mutual. Thank goodness we love the goofy kids enough to ignore their parents! 🙂
PS I am a new reader and love that I can laugh without having to repent afterwards! Thanks!
Connie: Funny you should use the word “thankless”. Just a few weeks ago I saw one of my old scouts at a wedding reception. He is now 30+, and happily married with kids. He took me aside, gave me a hug, and thanked me for being his leader and for all I did for him when he was a goofy scout. It was very sweet. Personally, I find working with YM frustrating, but rewarding beyond belief.
Damien seems to be the perfect name for the scout! I hope part 2 is the service given to you – being released from that time-consuming thankless calling!
😀 This was a good one!
As the wife of an ex-Scout Master I absolutely KNOW your experience, and yes it was a miracle. Parents get crazy! PS rest assured “Damian” will have his day too.
This is hilarious!
Years ago a young woman barfed in my van – all over the seat and down into those slots that anchor the seats. On a warm day, I sometimes still catch a whiff.
She told me afterward that she’d been feeling nauseated for a while but didn’t want to bother me.
My hope is that “Damian” is now somewhere serving as a Scoutmaster.
Oooh. He is lucky HE didn’t get punched in the face! You are a better person than I! Oh gosh I hope the husband doesn’t ever get called into scouts.
Similar thing happened to me – only it was a nephew and a niece visiting from California. Nephew and Niece sitting in the back seat of my small car took my 14 year old daughter by the hair on top of her head and dragged her over the arm rest between the seats and dumped a LITER of water on her while I am driving down the road. I pulled over screamed then got back in the car and drove home. I was very. . . “upset” they knew it – so they walked to grandma’s house and composed an email to their mother something along the line that Auntie tried to kill them. Yeah, nothing like lying kids trying to save their hides come between my relationship with my sister. wonderful