I didn’t post anything yesterday. I made a deal with myself that I would not work on my blog unless I had read my scriptures first. Yesterday I missed reading, so no post. Bad me. As part of my indulgence, today’s post will be scriptural in nature. (Just kidding – we don’t believe in indulgences, unless we are talking about the Ben & Jerry’s kind. – Try and keep up)
I’m sure you have read 1st Nephi more than any other book of scripture, but did you ever notice what a sweet deal Lehi got in his vision of the Tree of Life? Lehi was wandering around in a “dark and dreary wilderness” when an angel appeared to him and led him through the darkness to a large and spacious field. Do you know what was in the field? Yup. The Tree of Life – just standing there in front of him. He partook of the fruit and loved it.
You know the rest o’ the story: He then looked around for his family, and that is when he saw the river, the mist of darkness, the great and spacious building, and yes, the Iron Rod, etc.
Following the path that led to the tree was rough going, many didn’t make it, many left after they did. But some held tightly to the iron rod, and pushed their way through the darkness and made it to the tree, and were happy.
That is what we are all about, isn’t it? And that is the great message of Lehi’s dream. Unfortunately, too much time is spent on the search for Lehi’s shortcut – looking for an easy way through. But it doesn’t exist. It would seem than unless you have an personal angel escort, you had better stick to the iron rod.
(If you want to look up the real scriptures detailing the dream, click here: 1 Nephi Chapter 8)
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Where’s an angel escort when you need them?
Not sure how many times I have read 1Nephi. A lot. Haha. There are no shot cuts that is for sure. I like to think I have a firm grasp on that rod of iron, but sometimes I think my fingertips are just touching.