Bieber Fever Griever

Took my EC to the movies last night for date night.  I was unprepared for the teaming masses of turbo-charged pre-teen and teenage girls (and some giddy moms) waiting in lines hundreds deep to see “Never Say Never”. Yep. The Justin Bieber movie. Reports from inside the theater were equally terrifying: girls screaming, crying, fainting, etc.

While I stay current on a lot of the newest music, I don’t get the Beiber thing.  I’m sure he is a delightful young man, obviously talented, but the deification is beyond me.  For the record, I would go see a Justin Bieber concert.  (And by concert I mean a free performance, and by performance I mean if he happened to be alone in my living room playing the piano, I might slow down and listen as I walk by)

It must be the hair helmet.  If this young man had the good fortune of going camping with my scout troop, I guarantee he would have come back with an involuntary Swiss Army knife haircut.

I guess I shouldn’t be to worried about it, having lived through it before…

(note the awful hair similarity)

Kinda makes you wonder what happened to the teaming masses of silly girls who were crying and screaming at the mere glimpse of Donny.  Oh wait!  They became the teaming masses of silly women ironing their “My neck belongs to Edward” shirts and making plans to queue up with their besties to go to midnite showing of “Breaking Dawn” this fall.

I guess lusting after teenage boys starts young and never really goes out of style.

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  1. Just found your blog. You are funny.

    I am laughing about Donny-lovers growing up to be rabid Edward followers. Yet, if a bunch of middle-aged Mormon MEN teamed up to devour a film about a sexy teenage girl, that would be criminal right?

  2. I know you follow my blog, but if you haven’t had a chance to read my posts on JB, look for the first one that’s called Shh Don’t Tell Dad in April 2011. We have an ongoing thing with JB at our house. My 17-year-old autistic son thinks he is the coolest thing next to Taylor Swift.

  3. Speaking of super stars, your blog has rocketed up the charts to become one of my favorites and I follow a ton of blogs. I appreciate your clean humor, which is quite funny by the way.

  4. So true and so sad! My oldest is 8 and I secretly caught her kissing her Justin CD case. I cried and giggled at the same time.

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