"I Didn’t (want to) Know That!" #9

Top 10 list of rules and counsel that we didn’t know, or like to pretend we didn’t know.

We shouldn’t let our kids have TV’s or computers in their bedrooms.

Elder M. Russell Ballard specifically asked this of us in General Conference in 2003: “We need to have TV’s and computers in a much-used common room in the home, not in a bedroom or a private place.”

Just the other day my EC and I were patting ourselves on the back for doing this, until I realized that the FOML2 has an iPhone, which is essentially a handheld computer, with him 24/7.
–Of course he was talking about kids – right?  Right?  Someone please help me out here.

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  1. The Hubs and I have recently talked about allowing our kids iPods when they’re older (who knows what technology will be available by the time they’e old enough), and I was considering the dangers of it. Its a fine line…I was googling something for a Halloween costume and chose “Images” because I was looking for a specific style of costume. Even with a safe search on I got some unpleasant search results. It’d be very easy to fall into temptation on those little devices. No one would ever know. So those iPods might not be in the works.
    I’m glad I still have time before I need to worry about my kids in this way. Phew!

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